Meet Chepita – Ramona For You

Meet Chepita

Chepita, a 7-month-old sweetheart. With a heart full of sweetness and a love for children, Canchita seeks a family to cherish her.
Adopt A Fluff - Meet Chepita


Meet Canchita


Chepita, a 7-month-old female puppy with a spirit as gentle as a breeze.

Chepita, with her size akin to a Cocker Spaniel, had a rough start in life. She found her bed on the cold, unforgiving streets of Guatemala City, curling herself into a tiny ball in a futile attempt to protect herself from the harsh kicks of indifferent passersby. Yet, despite the cruelty she faced, Canchita's heart remained open and filled with sweetness.

She is a bundle of love, with a particular soft spot for children. Her eyes, filled with innocence and hope, speak volumes of her desire for a safe haven and a family to call her own.

  • Age: 7 months old.
  • Personality: Gentle, sweet, calm, loving.
  • Size: Medium (like a Cocker Spaniel)
  • Children: Yes
  • Other dogs: Yes
  • Cats: Don't know.


+502 5550-9634

1 comment

  • Hola buenos dias!

    Estoy interesado en adoptar a Chepita, que edad tiene actualmente?
    Cuales son los tramites para adopción?

    Muchas gracias,

    Jose Antonio Prieto

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